  • WhatsApp trick to read full message without even opening it

    Sneaky WhatsApp trick lets you read full message without even opening it File Photo Sneaky WhatsApp trick lets you read full message without even opening it

    Many people will be completely unaware that there's a clever WhatsApp trick that will allow you to read received messages in full without even opening them, and it could be very helpful indeed.

    Admit it - you've always wanted to be able to read a message without the sender knowing you've clicked on it.

    No one likes being left 'on read' on WhatsApp, but the reality is that you don't always have time to reply to all messages straight away. But that can lead to you eventually forgetting, or that the sender will get annoyed because they can see that you've read it. In an ideal world, you'd be able to read it, to satisfy your curiosity, but that your phone still tells you that you haven't opened it - so you remember to reply to it later.

    But we've got good news for all those who feel anxious as soon as they see those two little blue ticks pop up. There's a sneaky trick which lets you read a full message, not just the preview, without having to open it fully. This buys you a bit more time to formulate a proper response - and the sender doesn't even know you've read it.

    So how do you do it? As per Android mobile device management solutions company AirDroid, you should, first of all, long-press your home screen, bringing up a menu page. Then, you should tap Widgets, which will in turn show all available widgets. Find the '4 x 1 WhatsApp' widget and pull this onto any of your home pages, long-pressing it once added to enlarge it. Of course, you have to be careful, as tapping any chats will activate them, alerting senders.